Relaxed Planning Laws for the Commercial Sector – What Could it Mean?

You may have heard on the news that the Government are looking into relaxing the laws on gaining planning permission before you undertake and building work. It could make a big difference to not only home owners but business properties too! Nothing has been confirmed as of yet but the Department for Communities and Local Government have launched a proposal that is due to be discussed again soon.

What Will Change?

If this proposal goes ahead, it will mean planning permission laws that are currently in force will be relaxed for three years. For homeowners it will mean the size limit for single storey extensions will be increased from four metres in depth to eight metres for detached houses. And for all other houses it has been increased from three metres to six metres in depth.

And for Commercial Buildings…

For shops, offices and professional and financial services establishments the size limit for an extension will also be increased from 50 square metres to 100 square metres. This change will make it much easier, quicker and cheaper to build extensions and therefore expand your business without the cost and hassle of applying for planning permission.

Here at Leominster construction we specialise in the build and refurbishment of commercial and industrial buildings so if you’re looking to expand your business property then get in touch with us today and find out what we can do for you. If you’re worried about planning permission we can help, with our extensive knowledge of the construction industry we are well equipped to deal with any issues that may arise.